In Darkness Light

In Darkness Light
Created by Greg Martin

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Droid Incredible?

I happened to pick up a new phone this past week.  Over the past 4-5 days I have played around with pretty much every aspect of the phone.  It is definitely more sophisticated then my old Samsung Sway.  That's one hell of an upgrade for sure.  

Let's start with the negatives shall we?  The biggest issue I have is the battery.  Even just last night.  It was at 5% when I went to bed.  Charged it overnight.  When I woke up I sent one text message and it was down to about 90%.  Granted I do have a few applications running and although I have the "System" application to kill apps, I still end up charging my phone at least twice a day.  Now, one thing I need to realize is that I am clearly excited about getting this.  It's a top of the line phone that does everything besides scratch your back.  So whenever I have the chance I am on it.  In the future I will most likely get an extended battery to take care of that issue.  Another negative, which really isn't that big of a deal, is that I can't seem to be able to set different notification messages for the Mail application and my text messaging.  It all comes under one sound.  I guess it would be nice to be able to tell when I get an email from work or when it's a buddy of mine saying hey.  Another issue is the keyboard.  I have always been a fast "texter" and typer, on any device.  I have been used to touchscreen keyboards with my iPod touch 4 for a while now.  However on this Droid, it plainly just sucks.  Every time I type I seem to hit the "." key as opposed to the space.  The keys are responsive, but its difficult to "aim" to hit the right letter.  Don't even get me started with the auto correct feature.  When I type a word that isn't in the phones dictionary and I still want to send it.  The phone doesn't let me unless I either turn the phone sideways or add it.  So far those are the only negatives I see.

After :D
Ok now for the positives.  First of all its on Verizon.  Out of all of the reviews I have read myself, I feel that, though pricey (then again who isn't) it is the most reliable network  Over the past 6 years I have been on Verizon, I might have had a half a dozen dropped calls and that was always through the mountains on the Palisades Parkway.  The widgets are awesome.  Most of the applications I have have large widgets that give me an option to see live updates without opening up the application.  The live wallpapers give the phone a nice 21st century feel to it.  The calls come in very clear, multitasking is simple to use, the the phone as a whole is extremely responsive. Another thing that needs to be cleared up.  I have heard a lot of people say that mail does not come in quickly on the Droid phones.  That's a load of nonsense. If someone sends an email, it takes under 3-4 minutes to get it.  If you can't wait that long, you have mental issues.  The screens are beautiful, social networking is a breeze and web pages load very quickly. 

I would definitely recommend this phone.  After my $30 credit and a $55 mail in rebate it came to an even $100.  It's nice to know after finishing another 2yr contract I am worth a whole $30.  That just makes me feel complete...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goooood Morning

Well if you live anywhere between Oklahoma City and New Hampshire it's a messy morning and another one is on the way tonight.  This next one has a nasty look to it.  Right now, it looks like from Texas to the Atlantic ocean is in ruins.  I'm always up for a good snowstorm because I ski, but this ice and freezing rain, including the wind is getting boring.  Of course, before you know it, it's March and it's going to start warming up.  Even when it hits the upper 30s is going to feel like a Spring day.
US: Current Weather

If you haven't had a change to take a look at this amazing picture on the top of my blog check out his website.  It's a state of the art flash site with amazing graphic designs that will blow you away.  I have been following Greg Martin's work for years now.  I have been siting on the edge of my seat wondering what he will design next.  Some of my favorite is his Cataclysm series.  It really does look like the world is coming to  an end.  Could this be 2012? nah...his site is brings you to a main page which you can choose from his gallery which allows you to view huigh resolution pictures that most sites would dream of looking like or his new "Experience The Planets".  It's an interpretation of the solar system though the visions of numerous artists.  If you click on "What Is The Experience The Planets Project?" you can see them listed on the right hand side.  Definitely check out this site.  It blew me away when I first saw it.  Here is Greg Martin's "Cataclysm III".

one of my favorites by Greg Martin

Movie Review: Red

Well this being my first movie review bare with me.  I had a chance to see it the other day.  The movie stars Bruce Willis (always on of my favorites, how can you go wrong with the talented actor who was in some of my favorites, Armageddon, The Fifth Element and the Die Hard series.  You just can't!)  Then a favorite for almost everyone, Morgan Freeman.  Some of my all-time Freeman films:: The Dark Knight, Bruce Almighty, Deep Impact, The Shawshank Redemption, and Invictus just to name a few.  Mary-Louise Parker, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren all great actors and actresses were also big characters in the movie.

I thought the movie was entertaining.  Was is the best movie I have seen in the past few years? Not even close, but by watching the trailer you could more or less gauge this was going to be a comedic-action packed movie.  Lot's of shooting, some funny scenes, and an awesome appearance from Richard Dreyfuss.  Gotta love him in "What About Bob?"  The plot of this movie kept me interested from beginning to end, although there were some scenes where you could predict what would happen, the end had a slight twist, yet still somewhat predictable.

I would recommend seeing this for a few reasons:

1) Bruce Willis
2) Morgan Freeman (which my friend Marc likes him so much, he named his wireless network after him, kind of sad, but is Morgan Freeman)
3) You want a new action movie, but don't mind if you fall asleep by accident for 5 minutes.

I give it 3 out of 5, was actually a pretty good movie.