In Darkness Light

In Darkness Light
Created by Greg Martin

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goooood Morning

Well if you live anywhere between Oklahoma City and New Hampshire it's a messy morning and another one is on the way tonight.  This next one has a nasty look to it.  Right now, it looks like from Texas to the Atlantic ocean is in ruins.  I'm always up for a good snowstorm because I ski, but this ice and freezing rain, including the wind is getting boring.  Of course, before you know it, it's March and it's going to start warming up.  Even when it hits the upper 30s is going to feel like a Spring day.
US: Current Weather

If you haven't had a change to take a look at this amazing picture on the top of my blog check out his website.  It's a state of the art flash site with amazing graphic designs that will blow you away.  I have been following Greg Martin's work for years now.  I have been siting on the edge of my seat wondering what he will design next.  Some of my favorite is his Cataclysm series.  It really does look like the world is coming to  an end.  Could this be 2012? nah...his site is brings you to a main page which you can choose from his gallery which allows you to view huigh resolution pictures that most sites would dream of looking like or his new "Experience The Planets".  It's an interpretation of the solar system though the visions of numerous artists.  If you click on "What Is The Experience The Planets Project?" you can see them listed on the right hand side.  Definitely check out this site.  It blew me away when I first saw it.  Here is Greg Martin's "Cataclysm III".

one of my favorites by Greg Martin

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